Mole Removal in Turkey
Home » Plastic Surgery »A ‘nevus’ is the medical name term for the black and brown moles on the human body. Moles can be harmless to the body or be malignant. Moles may be removed for two reasons: medical causes – such as malignancy – and cosmetic reasons.
Mole Removal Due to Medical Reasons
If your doctor decides that your mole is potentially malignant, they may opt to have it surgically removed. The removed mole will be sent to a pathology laboratory for examination. If the pathology report indicates that the mole was benign, i.e. it was not potentially harmful, there are no further actions necessary. If it does turn out to be malignant, the removal will have given the patient a head-start and this will increase the possibility of a successful treatment.
Do moles get bigger with age?
Moles, also known as nevi, can change over time and this includes changes in size. Here are some key points about moles and how they may change with age:
- Growth Phases: Moles typically go through growth phases. They can grow and become more raised or change in color during adolescence, pregnancy, and sometimes during sun exposure.
- Size Changes: It’s not uncommon for moles to slowly get bigger over time. However, significant or rapid changes in size, especially in adulthood, should be monitored.
- Color and Texture Changes: Along with changes in size, moles can also change in color or texture as a person ages. They might become more raised, or they might fade away.
- Normal vs. Abnormal Changes: While it’s normal for moles to change gradually, sudden or significant changes in size, shape, color, or texture can be a warning sign. Such changes, especially if accompanied by symptoms like bleeding, itching, or pain, should be evaluated by a dermatologist.
- Age-Related Changes: As people age, it’s common to develop new skin growths, including moles. However, developing a new mole or a significant change in an existing mole after the age of 40 should be evaluated.
- Sun Exposure: Chronic sun exposure can also cause moles to change over time, emphasizing the importance of protecting skin from the sun.
- Monitoring: It’s important to regularly monitor moles for any changes, using the ABCDE rule (Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, Evolving) as a guide, and to have regular skin checks with a healthcare professional.
Remember, most changes in moles are benign, but keeping an eye on them and consulting with a healthcare professional for any concerning changes is crucial for early detection of skin issues, including skin cancer.
Cosmetic Mole Removal
Moles are not removed only due to medical reasons. Some people are uncomfortable with the appearance of their moles or skin growths that are commonly known as ‘skin tags’. Mole removal is a permanent solution to such problems.
Mole removal is conducted under local anesthesia in a hospital. This procedure should not take more than 1 hour, regardless of the location of the mole. The patient will not feel any pain after the operation and will be discharged with a high success rate and satisfaction.
Will Incisions to a Mole Cause Cancer? (Are mole removals risky?)
My patients commonly ask me if there are any adversities associated with mole removal. I can assure you, incisions to the mole will not lead to cancer. This discourse has no medical and scientific basis. It is nonsensical to assume a mole would become cancerous only because it was cut with a scalpel.
A mole will not become more or less malignant due to surgical intervention. If pathological examination does indeed reveal malignancy, the mole will have been removed early on. If it was not malignant to begin with, you will have the mole that you were uncomfortable with removed for good.

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Will Mole Removal Cause Scarring?
There will surely be some scarring after mole removal as the incision needs to be closed with a suture.
However, this mark will never be as big as the mole itself. That is, even if you don’t try and eliminate the scar, it will cosmetically look better than before.
Who Can Remove Moles?
Moles are removed by cosmetic and plastic surgeons. Cosmetic surgeons are trained to operate on the human body with minimal scarring. Hence, they are the physicians most capable in interventions to the body and especially the face.
It may seem as though any surgeon can perform a mole removal, but the visual outcomes can change drastically depending on who performed the operation. I recommend all patients to consult with a plastic surgeon prior to deciding for treatment. Surgeons that enjoy learning and improving their technique will help you achieve satisfactory results.
Mole Removal Prices
The cost of removing moles can greatly vary depending on the type and structure of the mole. The price also depends on how many moles need to be removed and how they are localized. That said, this procedure is not too costly and can be performed for comparatively low prices.
Please come in for an examination so that we can provide you with an accurate price estimate. You can also send us information regarding your moles to estimate the cost of the procedure.
Hi I am writing to you regarding to my thaughter was born in 2015 with big birthmark mole on her face she needs an operation to Remove the birthmark as soon possible.
I am looking for quotation for all expenses cost me.
I’m looking forward to hear from you thank you
Hi there
You can contact us via WhatsApp for price information. +905432413241